Using Your Vulnerability as an Asset

Using Your Vulnerability as an Asset

The Human Value Proposition is the rich, human spirit soil in which to grow a vibrant, healthy culture that profits everyone; purpose partners, suppliers, and customers who interact with a People First culture are influenced and inspired by its noble philosophy. A...

The People First Community: Leaders Who Care

The People First community is filling up with truth, wisdom, and excellence based people that possess the highest personal and professional integrity. Moreover, they are regarded as exemplary professionals in their respected fields of higher education. In addition,...
Great Attitudes: How to Reward Positive Team Members

Great Attitudes: How to Reward Positive Team Members

Being constantly optimistic is a high standard for any company let alone any single individual. We all go through our ups and downs. We are taught to not let the outside world affect our work, but how can we when we are trying to create a balance between the two? If...
True Leaders Create Other Leaders

True Leaders Create Other Leaders

Leadership is all about possessing power and making other people powerful. Authority is about power. Real power is the power that makes other people powerful. This is one of the most important aspects of leadership you may ever come across. If you are a leader with...