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Tilt 365 Assessment

Two men shaking hands in front of a group of people

Service Details

Discover the power of understanding with the Tilt 365 Assessment. This neuroscience-backed tool is designed for agile teams, helping individuals recognize their strengths and adapt to diverse personalities. Experience a proven protocol for team development that fosters trust and reduces tension, paving the way for a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Purpose of the Service

Discover your personality strengths and areas for improvement with People First's Tilt 365 Assessment. This service is designed for individuals and teams seeking to build an agile culture in their personal and professional lives. It provides a comprehensive profile that fosters self-awareness and growth.

Introduction - Unlock Your Potential with Tilt 365

Embarking on the path of self-improvement can often feel like exploring an intricate maze. Understanding our strengths, acknowledging our shortcomings, and finding a balance is crucial in personal and professional growth. As daunting as this journey may seem, you don't have to navigate it alone! Let us introduce you to Tilt 365 at People First.

What is Tilt 365?

Tilt 365 is a science-based assessment tool designed to reveal your unique behavioral preferences, agility, and thinking patterns. It aims to encourage self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence, and foster an inclusive mindset.

Your Maps to Self-Discovery

Our team of qualified coaches at People First uses Tilt 365 to guide you through your self-discovery journey. As experienced navigators, we'll help unlock your full potential by providing personalized insights, teaching effective strategies, and offering enduring support throughout your journey.

A Customized Approach to Your Growth

We understand that every individual's path to growth is unique. Therefore, our Tilt 365 assessments and coaching are tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether it is improving team dynamics, fostering successful leadership, or enhancing personal growth, we provide invaluable insights to energize your forward momentum.

Are you ready to unlock your potential?

Continue exploring and learn more about our Tilt 365 offerings. At People First, we believe that self-awareness paves the way for transformation. Start your journey of self-discovery and growth with us today!

People First: Maximizing Potential with Tilt 365 Assessment

At People First, we believe in transforming individuals into their best versions. Our Tilt 365 Assessment service is designed to identify inherent strengths and areas of growth, empowering individuals to make conscious efforts towards self-improvement, both personally and professionally.

Core Objectives

Our Tilt 365 Assessment service aims at three primary objectives: Self-Awareness, Personal Growth, and Professional Development.


Our Tilt 365 Assessment begins with fostering self-awareness. Recognizing personal patterns and behavioral tendencies forms the bedrock of our assessment. We believe that understanding one’s self is the key to instigating any sustainable change or development.

Personal Growth

Once we establish self-awareness, we focus on personal growth. Utilizing the insights gathered, we guide individuals to leverage their strengths and address their growth areas, helping them metamorphose into a more balanced, resilient, and authentic self.

Professional Development

Our assessment doesn't stop at personal growth; we extend the scope to professional development. By connecting personal insights with professional behaviors and demonstrating their impact on work effectiveness, we assist individuals in refining their professional personas and capabilities.

Process Overview

The Tilt 365 Assessment process is comprehensive and methodically structured to deliver fruitful insights.

Personality Assessment

The process begins with a thorough personality assessment to understand the individual's unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. By illuminating these patterns, we provide a solid foundation for self-awareness and subsequent development.

Results Interpretation

Post-assessment, we dive into results interpretation. Here, we make sense of the assessment results, breaking down complex personality metrics into understandable insights. These insights steer individuals towards realizing their strengths and growth areas.

Action Plan

Finally, we formulate an action plan. Relying on assessment insights, we draft a roadmap for personal and professional development. This personalized plan motivates individuals to put insights into action, leading to holistic personal and professional growth.

Expected Outcomes

Our Tilt 365 Assessment is designed to reveal your most authentic self. By coupling self-awareness with action-oriented development plans, we foster personal and professional transformation. If you are ready to step into a version of yourself that exhibits greater balance, authentic power, and enduring resilience, People First is ready to guide your journey.

Tilt 365 Assessment: Methodology Overview

At People First, our core belief is that every individual has the potential for immense growth and personal transformation. We foster this growth through our Tilt 365 Assessment, a comprehensive tool designed to cultivate self-awareness and facilitate personal and professional development.

Tilt 365 Assessment: Methodology Detailed Description

The Tilt 365 Assessment is an evidence-based tool that offers deep insights into an individual's personality, perceived strengths, development areas, and behavioral tendencies. It works on the principle of positive psychology and is designed to empower individuals through better self-understanding. It guides the individual, through self-reflection and insight, towards positive behavior modifications to optimize their potential.

Key Components

Our Tilt 365 Assessment hinges on evidence-based cognitive psychology principles. It measures four key behavioral dimensions: wisdom, courage, humanity, and resilience. In doing so, it provides a comprehensive personality profile of the individual which, in turn, serves as a roadmap for targeted personal and professional development.

Tilt 365: Rooted in 'People First' Philosophy

True to its name, the Tilt 365 Assessment adopts a 'People First' philosophy. It goes beyond standardized assessments by recognizing and valuing the uniqueness of every individual. This allows for an in-depth, personalized evaluation leading to more impactful and relevant development strategies.

Benefits of 'People First' Philosophy in Tilt 365

By adopting the 'People First' philosophy, the Tilt 365 Assessment promotes self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal growth. With this individual-centric approach, users are empowered to explore their strengths and work on their areas of improvement. By fostering these deeper connections with themselves, individuals become more resilient, adaptable and effective, both personally and professionally.

Detailed Expected Outcomes with Tilt 365

With our Tilt 365 Assessment, individuals can expect significant growth in self-awareness, self-regulation capabilities, and positive personality traits. By shedding light on behavioral preferences and patterns, this assessment equips individuals to make informed decisions about their development. As a result, individuals can leverage their understanding gained from this assessment to optimize their professional performance and personal growth.

Begin Your Transformative Journey

Embark on your transformative journey with People First’s Tilt 365 Assessment. Reimagine your potential as you gain deeper insights into your personality and personal power. Be a part of this individual-centric experience and witness the real-time benefits of our 'People First' philosophy in your growth trajectory.

Connecting The Main Points

In the vibrant journey of life and career, understanding one’s potentials as well as can be baffling. Tilt 365 Assessment at People First exists precisely for this purpose – to empower individuals with a clear, in-depth understanding of their personality. Utilizing cutting-edge predictive analytics and cognitive science, our assessments provide an extensive, accurate map of individual personalities and their strengths.

Integration of Science and Insight

Our high-tech approach employs a blend of predictive analytics and cognitive science in crafting our tailored Tilt 365 Assessments. With this fusion, we offer individuals a comprehensive perspective that helps them comprehend their inclinations, strengths, and areas for development better.

Personalized and Focused

At People First, we believe every individual is unique, and so is our Tilt 365 Assessment. Each assessment is designed keeping individual nuances in mind, promoting self-awareness and personal development propelled towards an individual's unique needs and strengths.

Closing Thoughts and Conclusion

The Tilt 365 Assessment at People First is about much more than just understanding one’s personality traits. It’s about fostering greater self-awareness, unlocking potential, refining skills, and identifying areas of improvement. It's aimed at inspiring growth, fostering resilience, and stimulating positive transformations in individuals. Seize the opportunity to understand yourself better and leverage your strengths in every aspect of your life and career with our exceptional Tilt 365 Assessment.

About Jack Lannom

People First, founded by Jack Lannom, is built strongly on the pillars of empathy, understanding, and care. Jack's vision was to create services that help individuals reach their greatest potential. His philosophy labels the understanding of oneself as the first stepping stone of this journey. Focussed on empowering individuals, Jack's ideology is deeply embodied in the Tilt 365 Assessment and other services at Think People First.

Engaging & Motivational Closing Statement

Begin your journey of self-discovery with the Tilt 365 Assessment at People First. Tap into your strengths, understand your capabilities, and unveil the excellence within you. We believe that understanding yourself is the first step towards a successful and fulfilling life. Remember with us, every step you take is a step towards manifesting your potential. Embrace the opportunity to embody your authentic self, improve your interpersonal relationships, and transform your life with Tilt 365 Assessment.


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