Jack Lannom is an author, business expert, and global thought leader who shares over four decades of leadership experience with internationally respected organizations. His ability to dramatically change the management landscapes of organizations across the globe has made him one of the most trusted and revered change agents in the industry.

Jack’s mission to create highly engaged company cultures has given him the opportunity to work with global industry leaders in reducing costs, reigniting employees, and creating cultures that produce unprecedented profits. Jack’s unwavering passion has consistently brought global companies to the summit of success. He has truly mastered transforming an organization’s most valuable asset… the people.

Current Topics

The People First Bridge to Organizational Success; Integrating the Best Human Systems with the Best Business Systems:

What is the one thing that every leadership team must achieve in order for their organization to survive and thrive? Results! This presentation outlines a business growth system that equips leaders to work smarter—not harder—and create a rock-solid leadership bridge to greater employee engagement and solid strategy execution. This integrated, organizational development initiative will prepare you to give all your employees a unified, systemic understanding of how to close your organizational gaps and create profitable sustainability.

Leadership Kryptonite:

Research proves that the discipline of emotional intelligence is one of the greatest challenges an organization faces when addressing gaps in their leadership development. Discover the emotional maturity of your team, the relationship between choice and responsibility, and determine if you are building up your brand or breaking it down with your leadership techniques.

The Economics of Putting People First:

The empirical data is inarguable and proves the People First philosophy that employee happiness, customer satisfaction, and bottom-line profitability are directly related. Join Jack as he applies his People First methods in companies all over the world. You will discover real examples of the profitability of putting People First, and the consequences if you don’t.

The Economics of Humility in the Workplace:

The number one killer of organizational profitability is hubristic leadership. Jack will demonstrate different leadership styles and how they affect positive results in your organization. Discover the emotional and financial benefits of humility in the work place, and obtain the necessary tools to implement these values within your own life and organization.

To book Jack Lannom as a speaker for your event, please fill out the contact form below or call one of our team members at People First International – 1-800-314-7605.

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The Economics of Putting People First

Discover why putting People First is the most critical decision you will ever make for your bottom line.

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