How to Raise Respect Ratios in the Workplace

How to Raise Respect Ratios in the Workplace

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. What does this mean to you? Respect is a fundamental component of our personal and professional lives. Without respect, there is not a healthy dynamic in the workplace. A respect ratio is comprised of what means the most to you in the workplace. Respect...
Mastering the Art of Human Engagement

Mastering the Art of Human Engagement

The following rules will create the high engagement culture I’ve been advocating. Rule #1: Develop a comprehensive philosophical system for sustainable personal and organizational growth and engagement—values, mission, and vision—and communicate that philosophy in...
How Treating People with Dignity Affects Morale

How Treating People with Dignity Affects Morale

What is dignity? A quick Google search will tell you it means, “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect”. Every human being has dignity; therefore, every human being deserves to be treated with honor and respect. I believe there is a direct societal...
The Bottom Line on Employee Engagement

The Bottom Line on Employee Engagement

As a leader, how severely do you think employee disengagement is impacting your bottom line? The Ivey Business Journal cites a study by New Century Financial Corporation, a U.S. specialty mortgage banking company, which “found that account executives in the wholesale...
“Single Loop” and “Double Loop” Thinking

“Single Loop” and “Double Loop” Thinking

One of the finest teachers in the area of metacognitive thinking was Dr. Chris Argyris, a prolific author and Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School. His work on organizational learning was unparalleled; he did a great deal to shape my own thinking on this...